- Prep Time: 20 minutes
- Cook Time: 30 minutes
2 EA chicken breasts 1 tbsp crushed garlic 4 tbsp soft butter 1 Pinch salt & pepper For the dressing 2 EA lettuce leaves saparated 4 EA vine-ripened tomatoes,cut into wedges 0.5 EA cucumber, peeled and sliced 4 EA radishes, trimmed and halved
Prefer to use leftover roast chicken to chicken breast on this dish. You can also make this recipe into sandwich dish if you add 4 sliced breads. | ||
Preparation To make Roast chicken breast salad, you need LG Lightwave oven metal tray and rack. Use metal tray as baking and rack as cool down your metal tray after baking.
Pot Preheat oven to Convection 180c (356F)
Alligator Cake | ||
1st place winner - Monica Iverson, Cakes by Monica – Vermillion, SD - Drunken Elephant Cake 2nd place and winner - Roby |
Step 1Enlarge Image - 1 2-3cm stick cinnamon - 1 Tablespoon cumin - 1 2-3 teaspoons coriander - 1 star anise pod, more or less (six sections here) 1 Step 2Enlarge Image Pico de Gallo garnish: - 1 pasilla chile, fresh - 1 anaheim chile, fresh - 3-4 jalapeno chilies, fresh - 2-4 serrano chilies, fresh - 2-3 tomatoes - 1/2 large onion - juice of 3-5 key limes (or 1-2 regular limes) - salt to taste 2 Step 3Enlarge Image Please note that to be truly authentic and have the best possible results, only LARD should be used in the frying steps of this recipe. I decided my cholesterol was already bad enough thanks to the slabs of bacon from the second course, so I elected to put a Spanish spin on the preparation and use olive oil instead. As with most great recipes, this one begins with deep frying everything. Take special care, however: dried chiles take just a few seconds of frying to reach doneness. Fry them for too long and they burn, rendering (heh lard joke) the whole dish overwhelmingly bitter and unpleasant. Be VERY attentive when doing this. Start by heating up a fryer full of your oil of choice. Cut the top off each chile, open them up, and remove all of the seeds. If necessary, excise the ribs of the chile as well - this will also make the finished product less spicy. 3 Step 4Enlarge Image Individually fry each chile very briefly. The flesh will lighten slightly and the whole thing will curl up. 4 Step 5Enlarge Image Drain each chile and place it in a bowl with its fellows. Once all the chilies are fried, pour on your whole pot of Mexican coffee. If you're going to rehydrate the chilies, you might as well do it with the theme ingredient! Soak the chilies while you fry the rest of the ingredients. 5 Step 6Enlarge Image Fry the nuts and pumpkin seeds individually until light to medium brown. Be careful with the pumpkin seeds, they have a tendency to pop when dropped into hot oil. 6 Step 7Enlarge Image Put a generous amount of your fat of choice into a small saute pan. Chop the onions roughly and add them to the oil. Saute over medium-high heat until they become translucent. Roughly chop the garlic and add that to the onions. Get everything nicely browned and remove from heat. 7 Step 8Enlarge Image Toast the spices in a dry pan until you can smell their wonderful essential oils. (Note: this should probably be done in a generous portion of lard as well to be truly authentic. Your choice. 8 Step 9Enlarge Image Now take your spices, onions, garlic, nuts, and pumpkin seeds and put them all into a food processor. Make sure it's not a wimpy one, either, as you'll be asking a lot of it today. Just look at all that glistening, fatty goodness. Pull some chilies out of the soak and add them to the processor as well. Don't make it too full, though - I'd recommend slightly less full than in the picture. 9 Step 10Enlarge Image Now, whirl the everliving heck out of those ingredients. Let it spin for longer than you think it needs, as long as you can stand the noise. The result will be a somewhat-smooth, very thick paste. 10 Step 11Enlarge Image Using a ladle, take up some of the coffee-chile liquor formed by steeping your chiles for so long. Add to the food processor a little at a time, running between additions to loosen and further smooth the paste. 11 Step 12Enlarge Image Once the paste is nicely smooth, with a slight grainy appearance, pour it into a saucepan. You may need to do the chiles in a second batch if your processor is small like mine. Add chicken broth sufficient to make the mole into a reasonably thin sauce. 12 Step 13Enlarge Image Put over low heat and boil for a long, long. LONG time. We're talking four or five hours minimally, mostly uncovered, adding broth as necessary to keep the mixture from solidifying entirely. Good mole is quite thick, almost un-pourable. Good mole also cooks all day or even overnight, so the longer you can give it the better. The end result will be significantly reduced in volume and darker in color. If your mole looks a bit chunky like that one, I suggest letting it cool slightly and giving it another pass in the food processor. It should have a slightly grainy appearance, but be smooth on the tongue. About 30 minutes before serving, prepare the pico de gallo. Finely dice the tomatoes, onion, jalapenos, and pasilla. Cut the serranos into rounds, or half-rounds if you prefer to remove the seeds. Combine all ingredients with enough lime juice to moisten and salt to taste. 13 Step 14 Cook the turkey breast in your preferred manner. I chose to grill it. Rest a few minutes, then cut into 1cm slices. 14 Step 15Enlarge Image Put 2-3 slices of turkey onto a couple of tortillas. Top liberally with mole and queso fresco. 15 Step 16Enlarge Image Thinly slice the cabbage. 16 Step 17Enlarge Image Top tacos with cabbage, and serve with lime wedges, fresh cilantro and pico de gallo. 17 Step 18Enlarge Image Finished: Now that you have learned how to make grilled turkey tacos with coffee mole, please be sure to view these other turkey recipes. 18 Chocolate Pudding Cake & Chocolate Whipped CreamChocolate Whipped Cream | |||||||||||||
1Enlarge Image Combine all ingredients in a 1 quart or larger jar. Mix thoroughly, put in a warm part of your kitchen and ignore. 1 Step 2Enlarge Image As time goes on, fermentation will begin. This starter got an odd yellowish scum on top of it, but underneath it was definitely working. 2 Step 3Enlarge Image At this stage you have what is known by some cooks as a mother. If you intend to keep the mother, you must feed the mother regularly. If you intend to use the mother only once, it will live up to a week without feeding. Some people advocate a cycle of nearly starving the mother followed by several feedings, to toughen up the bacteria and provide a resilient and vigorous mother. 3 Step 4Enlarge Image Ingredients Part 2: Buttermilk Sourdough Stage 1, Proofing: 1 cup active mother 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup warm water 1 teaspoon sugar Stage 2, Expanding: 3 cups flour 2 cups water Stage 3, Bread making: 1.25 cups cold buttermilk 4 cups flour 2 teaspoons salt Additional buttermilk and flour as necessary to attain desired consistency Method Stage 1, Proofing Combine all Stage 1 ingredients in your favorite mixing bowl. Cover and leave at room temperature for 12 hours. In the end your colony should be happily (but slowly) bubbling. 4 Step 5Enlarge Image Stage 2, Expanding This stage is about providing our bacteria with a larger playground and getting the population really rolling. Combine all ingredients with the results of Stage 1. Cover and leave at room temperature overnight (8+ hours). If all goes well you will be greeted in the morning with a much more energetic and happy fermentation: 5 Step 6Enlarge Image Stage 3, bread making Having finally built up a nice supply of our culture, we are ready to start making actual bread. Add the Stage 3 ingredients and mix until the dough comes together into a cohesive mass. Knead by hand for 15 minutes, until the dough is smooth (but probably still a bit sticky). 6 Step 7Enlarge Image Cover with a moist cloth and let rise for 3-4 hours. 7 Step 8Enlarge Image Beat this down and roll/stretch/whatever it into your baking vessel. Let that rise in a warm (~100 degrees F) oven for 1-2 hours. 8 Step 9Enlarge Image Meanwhile, let's consider toppings. Toppings 8 small shallots 8 serrano chiles Some form of aged goat cheese Midnight Moon, the cheese I'm using here, is very rich and has a strong floral/honey component to it. This made it an excellent complement to the sour notes in the bread. 9 Step 10Enlarge Image Mince and/or thinly slice the shallots. 10 Step 11Enlarge Image And serranos, removing as much or as little of the chiles' hearts as you like to control heat. 11 Step 12Enlarge Image Slowly caramelize the vegetables in a pan (somehow I missed photographing this even though it took a half hour). Distribute over the top of the focaccia before baking, finishing with micro-planed goat cheese. 12 Step 13Enlarge Image Bake in a 375 degree Fahrenheit oven 30-40 minutes or until done. Serve in wedges with butter if desired. 13 Step 14Enlarge Image Closeup of focaccia: Now that you have learned how to make sourdough focaccia, please be sure to view these other focaccia recipes and these sourdough recipes. 14 Fauxstachio Soy Nut Ice CreamIngredients
Step 1Enlarge Image Start by separating your eggs. Yolks go in a bowl, whites have no application in this recipe so save them for a meringue or something. 1 Step 2Enlarge Image Pour the powdered sugar and corn starch over the yolks. 2 Step 3Enlarge Image And whisk to combine. This may take considerable muscle power (or a hand-held blender) as the yolks will be somewhat reluctant to absorb all that sugar. Perseverance will be rewarded. 3 Step 4Enlarge Image Put the soy milk and salt in a medium saucepan and heat until steaming hot (but not quite boiling). 4 Step 5Enlarge Image As the milk heats, consider a suitable platform for your bowl of egg yolks. It will be considerably agitated and you may not have a hand free to hold it, so you might want to put a towel down as a sort of "foot" for the bowl. 5 Step 6Enlarge Image Place the bowl on top of this, whisk at the ready. 6 Step 7Enlarge Image Once the soy milk is hot, take a smallish ladle and scoop some up. 7 Step 8Enlarge Image Start beating your yolk mixture. DO NOT add the hot milk to the yolks before you start whisking or you will end up with scrambled eggs. Slowly, carefully drizzle the milk into the yolks, whisking as you go. Slowly add more hot milk until you've added about half of it to the yolk mixture. Congratulations! You have just tempered your custard, allowing the egg yolks to reach a high temperature without curdling. (Sorry for no action shots, but again, this isn't something I can do and photo at the same time.) 8 Step 9Enlarge Image Pour the tempered egg mixture into the saucepan with the remaining milk. Return it to low heat, stirring constantly, until it reaches desired thickness. What is desired thickness, you ask? Consult your friendly neighborhood spatula! Run your finger horizontally through whatever sticks to the spatula. If you get a continuous line through the material with no drooping or dripping, you're there. 9 Step 10Enlarge Image Pour your custard into a wide pan and put it in the fridge to chill. This would also be the time to add vanilla extract if you need/want to. 10 Step 11Enlarge Image This gives us time to prepare the chunky bits. Pour some (how many is really up to taste) roasted edamame into a plastic bag and put it on something non-fragile. Terminate with moderate prejudice. Don't go hog-wild with the beat stick, because doing so will result in teeny tiny bits of nut instead of nice-sized chunks. Just crush, don't maim, kill, or destroy. 11 Step 12Enlarge Image Pour them out of the bag. 12 Step 13Enlarge Image Go through the rubble. You are looking for the inner meat of the "bean," seen on the right. Remove and dispose of the hull, seen on the left. These are relatively tasty, but their texture is not conducive to ice cream enjoyment. 13 Step 14Enlarge Image Set aside the "nut" fragments for later use. 14 Step 15 With luck, your ice cream base will have cooled by now. If so, fire up your ice cream machine and start it churning. Add the food coloring now if you choose to use it. 15 Step 16 (If you lack an ice cream machine, you can freeze it mostly-solid in the flat pan, then put it through a food processor and finish freezing for a similar consistency. Add the nuts after processing if you take this course.) This mixture is somewhat hesitant to freeze; it took about 15 minutes before it even started thickening. Once it does start to thicken, toss in your dried edamame bits. Once the ice cream machine/food processor has done its work, freeze at least an hour before serving. 16 Step 17Enlarge Image Serve: 17 Step 18Enlarge Image Close up of Soy Nut Ice Cream. Now that you have learned how to make fauxstachio soy nut ice cream, please be sure to view these other ice cream recipes. 18 |